6th April -- Ravenstonedale, Cumbria
Very wet all day
The A group made a wet start in Sedburgh
Climbing up towards The Calf
where the rain turned to snow!
Shortest ever lunch stop
Frizzy hair was the day's main worry Alan gets topical and impersonates Nigel Farage
Plan D down Bowderdale Subliminal advertising frm LLoys Bank
A fine bunch Bowderdale our escape route for the day
There's always time to do the Funky Chicken
What we thought of the weather..

The B walk kept to the valley - avoiding the mist and snow but still getting thoroughly wet. Not many photos..
Cheer up, only a mile or so to go... Tops clearing Rain clouds disappearing towards Yorkshire

The C walk headed North up Smardale, and maybe had the best of the day's picturesque (and plenty of bridges!)
Keep smiling through..
The day's first bridge
No bridge too small..
..but some are too wonky.. That's more like it!
The biggest bridge of the day
View down Smardale with the cloud-covered Howgills in the distance

And finally...the more than usually welcome warmth and shelter of the pub
Right Ruff bunch found in the pub, been there a while going by their condition
Everyone talked about what a smashing walk it was...In hindsight
Interference! Too late..
.. the Sun came out ..at home time Catching up on lunchtime on the coach home!

Photos by Derek Hesketh, Bob Jackson, Phil Cunningham and John Hodgson